Apapun yang terjadi pada alam ini
Dari yang paling kecil sampai yang paling besar
Insya Allah ada hikmahnya
Sesuai dengan firmanNya
" Ya Tuhan kami tidak ada yang Kau ciptakan dengan sia-sia "
Dari kuman yang tidak kelihatan oleh manusia
Sampai milyaran galaxy yang maha luas
Semua mempunyai fungsi masing-masing
Begitu pula dengan peristiwa manusia
Dari penderitaan yang amat memilukan
Sampai kesenangan yang melenakan
Semua ada hikmahnya
Terkadang manusia lupa bila diuji dengan penderitaan
Hingga ingkar pada Allah karena penderitaan yang dideritanya
Padahal di balik penderitaan ada hikmahnya juga
Berupa jiwa yang semakin kuat, tabah, dan tak tergoyahkan
Maka jangan lekas membuang yang pahit
Siapa tahu itu adalah ubat bagimu
Jangan lekas mengatakan Allah tidak adil!
Siapa tahu Allah di lain waktu memberikan nikmatNya
Jangan lekas mengeluh bila tak mendapatkan sesuatu yang diinginkan
Siapa tahu Allah akan memberikan sebagai pengganti yang terbaik
Dan jangan lekas memisahkan sesuatu yang kamu benci dan kau anggap hina
Siapa tahu apa yang kamu benci dan kamu anggap hina
Justru dicintai Allah!
Dan jangan segera meminum yang manis
Siapa tahu itu adalah racun bagimu.
Siapa yang menyangka
Jika sampah yang dibuang-buang manusia
Justeru bisa dijadikan kompos dan energi elektrik
Siapa yang menduga
Rambut jagung yang dibuang
Saat makan jagung rebus atau jagung bakar
Di Russia bisa dijadikan jamu, ubat untuk kesehatan.
Siapa yang mengira
Gerak rumput atau lalang yang bergoyang
Adalah prototaip gerakan pesawat terbang
Siapa menyangka
Nyamuk yang kecil itu
Membuat kaya raya para pengusaha obat anti nyamuk
Siapa yang protes terhadap keringat
Mungkin lupa
Keringat yang dianggap menganggu
Telah melahirkan ribuan jenis minyak wangi sejak berabad-abad
Dan telah melahirkan ribuan perusahaan dengan berbagai model
Membuka lapangan kerja dan melahirkan foto model iklan
Siapa yang membenci virus
Ternyata virus yang tak kelihatan itu
Telah melahirkan para peneliti dan para ilmuwan
Betapa banyak doktor tercipta karena virus
Apa lagi?
Coba lihat air mata saat kau menangis
Itu adalah alat pembersih alamiah dan mengurangi beban psikologi
Terasa sangat lega dan beban yang terpikul terasa ringan
Jangan meremehkan air mata!
Ribuan judul puisi bisa lahir karena tangisan
Ribuan judul drama, sandiwara, film dan sinetron tercipta karena air mata
Ribuan judul novel tercipta berkat air mata
Dan jangan lupa ...... !
Air mata wanita adalah senjata yang sangat tajam
yang dapat meruntuhkan kerajaan dan singgahsana para emperator!
Siapa yang tahan melihat air mata wanita ?
Maka menangislah kamu selagi bisa menangis
Tak ada larangan untuk menangis
Bahkan tangisan para auliya
Di keheningan malam, saat tahajjud dan sujud
Adalah kunci pembuka pintu syurga!
Apa lagi?
Lihat kulitmu yang tipis dan halus mulus
Tebalnya hanya sepersekian mili yang membungkus daging
Siapa yang mengira
Kulit yang dianggap biasa adalah jaket yang paripurna bagi daging
Tergores sedikit saja, maka kuman segera datang menyerang daging
Terjadilah pembusukan dan borok
Di akhirat kulit pun akan menjadi saksi
Dan dimintai pertanggungjawaban
Bila merasa diri tidak cantik sehingga kurang bersyukur
Datanglah ke rumah sakit
Kau akan menemukan berbagai jenis penyakit yang bisa juga menyerangmu
Maka nikmat Tuhan yang mana lagi yang kau dustakan?
Tak ada yang sia-sia apapun yang diciptakanNya
Bila ada sesuatu ciptaanNya yang kelihatannya tak berguna
Itu bukan berarti sia-sia!
Hanya manusia belum menelitinya atau tidak tahu fungsinya
Yakinlah ada hikmah di balik penciptaanNya
Dan jika mau ditulis hikmah setiap ciptaanNya
Niscaya manusia tak mampu melakukannya
Karena tak terhingga banyaknya!
Maka bahagialah orang yang pandai mengambil hikmah atau pelajaran dari setiap kejadian, baik yang langsung menimpa dirinya atau yang menimpa orang lain.
Bahagialah orang selalu melewati hari-harinya dengan membawa dan menggunakan " Kaca mata hikmah ", karena dengan kaca mata hikmah ini, dia dapat melihat seluas- luasnya dari setiap kejadian apapun, dengan kaca mata hikmah, seakan dia melihat sesuatu dari segala sisi, dari segala arah, dari segala sudut, dari multi dimensi, hingga dia dapat menghadapi hidup penuh kebahagiaan dan ketenteraman jiwa.
Orang yang selalu memandang kejadian dengan " kaca mata hikmah " akan mendapat bimbingan dan hidayah Tuhan yang sangat besar, orang seperti ini akan selalu berpikir positif melihat suatu kejadian, hingga yang dalam dirinya penuh dengan hikmah dan kebajikan, yang ada dalam dirinya, baik, baik dan selalu kebaikan. Hatinya begitu lapang, kelapangan dadanya meluas, terkadang tak terjangkau oleh manusia kebanyakan.
Mari kita kembali ke bulan Ramadhan, mari kita sambut bulan Ramadhan yang penuh hikmah ini dengan mengambil hikmahnya, mengambil intisarinya iaitu taqwa, dengan ketaqwaan orang pandai mengambil hikmah dalam setiap kejadian.
Yang puasa di Malaysia atau di sekitar khatulistiwa bersyukur, puasanya tetap dari tahun ke tahun, sekitar 12 jam! Dan yang puasa di belahan bumi utara, termasuk yang puasa di Moscow walau tetap dibalut kabut asap, juga wajib bersyukur, karena puasanya akan memakan waktu sekitar 17 jam! Berarti gembelingan madrasah Ramadhan lebih berat, namun tetap membawa hikmah.
Apa hikmahnya? Paling tidak jiwa semakin kuat dan semakin tahan terhadap penderitaan akibat iklim yang serba ekstrem dan kabut asap! Yakinlah kabut asap akan berlalu, masih ada matahari di balik kabut! Masih ada kemudahan dibalik kesusahan!
Sekian, selamat menjalankan ibadah Ramadhan 1431 H, semoga amal ibadah kita semua diterima olehNya. Amin.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
assalamualaikum semua
alhamdulillah baru pulang dari berjogging di petang hari ni.
walaupun keluar lambat tapi balik pun taklah lewat sangat
7 to 730 pm
yang penting berpeluh dengan banyak dan badan kekal sihat
lagi satu tujuannya nak kuruskan badan.
belakangan ni berat semakin naik
so agak risau la.
tu yang nak rajinkan diri turun berlari
kalau tak semakin besar la badan ni.
malam ni pulak ada kelas tuisyen di rumah pelajar di kota damansara.
biasalah, mengembangkan ilmu.(konon ;p)
sekarang ni dah cuti semester..
awal bulan 7 baru sambung semula belajar.
rasa dah tau kan sy blaja kat mane...
tgk la post2 yg sebelum ni kalau nak tau..
ok la friends,sy pegi mandi dulu ya..
yg belum mandi tu silalah mandi k.tapi sorang2 la..
n jgan lupa solat maghrib. :)
take care everyone...
walaupun keluar lambat tapi balik pun taklah lewat sangat
7 to 730 pm
yang penting berpeluh dengan banyak dan badan kekal sihat
lagi satu tujuannya nak kuruskan badan.
belakangan ni berat semakin naik
so agak risau la.
tu yang nak rajinkan diri turun berlari
kalau tak semakin besar la badan ni.
malam ni pulak ada kelas tuisyen di rumah pelajar di kota damansara.
biasalah, mengembangkan ilmu.(konon ;p)
sekarang ni dah cuti semester..
awal bulan 7 baru sambung semula belajar.
rasa dah tau kan sy blaja kat mane...
tgk la post2 yg sebelum ni kalau nak tau..
ok la friends,sy pegi mandi dulu ya..
yg belum mandi tu silalah mandi k.tapi sorang2 la..
n jgan lupa solat maghrib. :)
take care everyone...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Word of the Day.
Allah's Mercy over His Wrath
When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him:
"My mercy prevails over my wrath."
It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).
When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him:
"My mercy prevails over my wrath."
It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).
My Day Today :) 18 03 2010
Assalamualaikum friends.
How are you out there?
I’m feeling good here listening to We Made You (R&B Mix)Eminem feat Jessica Simpson. The sound is just banging into my ears. Wearing this earphone and setting it to nearly the highest volume. I just enjoy it.
Its 219 am in the morning and I don’t feel sleepy yet. So I just came with an idea to put an entry into my blog while enjoying the song.
Let’s talk about what I did today yeah..
I think I have a sleeping disorder because lately I have been sleeping for too much. Its like I woke up and then I move my body to the other side of my bed and then back to sleep again. When it’s too cold, I switch off my small fan on the end of my bed and continue sleeping.. then, when I wake up again still feeling cold I switch off my ceiling fan and continue sleeping. What a habit. I only wake like in the midday. I know it’s shameful but yeah, it’s me and I feel like sharing it today. I was waken up today with a phone call from my friend telling me about the baths(research paper-Arabic) that we have to submit today during Ulum Quran class. Actually, he called and messaged me yesterday but I didn’t manage to reply and answer due to some unavoidable situations. Hahaha.
So yeah, I answered and we made a ‘date’ at the library at 2 o’clock. I came early because I have to do some reading for my Ulum Hadis class at 330. I have a presentation to make, about the holy companion, Umar al-Khattab.
Well, we met. The thing is we are supposed to finish the work during the weekend but then biasalah both of us kept quiet and then when the deadline is just around the corner, both started to menggelabah to finish the work. He did the work on translating the text from English to Arabic, which he managed to do by asking his friend to do it for him…no problem bout that. But tak aci la.. Actually the research paper was about identifying syubhat ( can’t find the right translation rite now in English) towards al-Quran. Basically, it’s about what people said or claim wrongly about the Quran and we have to come up with the radd( the reply/rebuttal) to their claims. So that’s my job and it’s really the better part of the assignment because I get the gist of the research by knowing the reply to their claims.
For me writing* in Arabic language is a bit difficult (read *typing) because I don’t do it often. So we planned to look for the answers from the net so that we can just copy and then paste the answers. You see, being a student you have to know the sources too. Haha.. Though my level is still at the bottom.. Anyway, I searched and searched through the net while he was reading and doing revision for the class today at 500. We have our third midterm(third!!!) today.. What a great lecturer! I like him. We’ll talk about later ya..
So I went back to the original English text and kept on reading until I found a line that looks like an answer to this claim.. And it is actually. And I scold him because it was just there and I had to look all over the net.. nasib baik. And then we translated the text to Arabic and put it in the right place and print it...done one work…I myself started reading and memorizing some points before going to my 330 class..
In class, which was our last class for the blissful semester, there was no lecture but just presentations. I dreaded this day somehow a bit because I don’t fancy presenting but yeah, I still have to do it. So the first one to present was a girl/lady/? (remaja perempuan apa in English, lupa la..asyik dalam bahasa Arab dah lupa bahasa inggeris.haha). Since she’s an Arab, she spoke so fast that at the end of her presentation aka taqdim aka ta’ridh the lecturer asked us “ do u guys understand?” and the girls answered “no”. and he said “ cakap sikit sikit” where in fact he’s an Arab too and it was so funny that the class laughed. Hahaha..
Students keep on going up to the front and then I volunteered to go upfront. Presented casually and had some questions from al-Ustaz Saadeldin, answered and didn’t even manage to finish the presentation he said thank you. Haha.. That’s what happens when you have 10 and more people to present in one day. Students are just too shy or maybe lazy to present in the early or middle days of lecturing.. Anyhow, I managed to present so I’m done there.
Currently listening to Jay Sean Down…
Azan was in the air.. finished class at 450 pm. Went down to the Mosque. U know, UIA has a very beautiful mosque. It’s very comfortable and very not like typical mosques out there. I am very grateful to be studying here somehow if I think back of my enrolment here in this great place. Their Muezzins, such nice and sweet but deep voice, calling people to prayers... I'm just briefly talking about it yeah since its Asar time so wanna share this too. Hehe. Their weekly khutbahs, if u don’t know is delivered in multi languages. Not in one language only.. Let’s say, the first sermon is in English, the second one may be in Arabic, or Malay, or Arabic still. It changes. There was this once when there was a delegation from China and one of them was appointed as the Khatib and he delivered the khutbah in Mandarin! Wow! Though I don’t understand it but I respect them. Then the second khutbah he spoke in Arabic. That I do understand.
Prayed Asar and stopped by at the IRK Computer Lab to check out something. Saw a friend, have a lil chat and continued to class. Came a bit late and directly started answering my exam questions. Wasn’t that difficult because I read some points earlier. My habit is I don’t like studying for exams. I like more reading for knowledge and leisure time but not for answering the exam questions. It just doesn’t feel right. But then again, its university ma… what can do…haha…
Finished the exam 5 to 10 minutes earlier from my friend and went to the lab again. Went online for a while till the lab closes and back at room.
Well, that’s about it for now. My nightlife is so much different from what it is in the day light. Haha..what is that Ismat? Nothing.. come see it for yourself.
How are you out there?
I’m feeling good here listening to We Made You (R&B Mix)Eminem feat Jessica Simpson. The sound is just banging into my ears. Wearing this earphone and setting it to nearly the highest volume. I just enjoy it.
Its 219 am in the morning and I don’t feel sleepy yet. So I just came with an idea to put an entry into my blog while enjoying the song.
Let’s talk about what I did today yeah..
I think I have a sleeping disorder because lately I have been sleeping for too much. Its like I woke up and then I move my body to the other side of my bed and then back to sleep again. When it’s too cold, I switch off my small fan on the end of my bed and continue sleeping.. then, when I wake up again still feeling cold I switch off my ceiling fan and continue sleeping. What a habit. I only wake like in the midday. I know it’s shameful but yeah, it’s me and I feel like sharing it today. I was waken up today with a phone call from my friend telling me about the baths(research paper-Arabic) that we have to submit today during Ulum Quran class. Actually, he called and messaged me yesterday but I didn’t manage to reply and answer due to some unavoidable situations. Hahaha.
So yeah, I answered and we made a ‘date’ at the library at 2 o’clock. I came early because I have to do some reading for my Ulum Hadis class at 330. I have a presentation to make, about the holy companion, Umar al-Khattab.
Well, we met. The thing is we are supposed to finish the work during the weekend but then biasalah both of us kept quiet and then when the deadline is just around the corner, both started to menggelabah to finish the work. He did the work on translating the text from English to Arabic, which he managed to do by asking his friend to do it for him…no problem bout that. But tak aci la.. Actually the research paper was about identifying syubhat ( can’t find the right translation rite now in English) towards al-Quran. Basically, it’s about what people said or claim wrongly about the Quran and we have to come up with the radd( the reply/rebuttal) to their claims. So that’s my job and it’s really the better part of the assignment because I get the gist of the research by knowing the reply to their claims.
For me writing* in Arabic language is a bit difficult (read *typing) because I don’t do it often. So we planned to look for the answers from the net so that we can just copy and then paste the answers. You see, being a student you have to know the sources too. Haha.. Though my level is still at the bottom.. Anyway, I searched and searched through the net while he was reading and doing revision for the class today at 500. We have our third midterm(third!!!) today.. What a great lecturer! I like him. We’ll talk about later ya..
So I went back to the original English text and kept on reading until I found a line that looks like an answer to this claim.. And it is actually. And I scold him because it was just there and I had to look all over the net.. nasib baik. And then we translated the text to Arabic and put it in the right place and print it...done one work…I myself started reading and memorizing some points before going to my 330 class..
In class, which was our last class for the blissful semester, there was no lecture but just presentations. I dreaded this day somehow a bit because I don’t fancy presenting but yeah, I still have to do it. So the first one to present was a girl/lady/? (remaja perempuan apa in English, lupa la..asyik dalam bahasa Arab dah lupa bahasa inggeris.haha). Since she’s an Arab, she spoke so fast that at the end of her presentation aka taqdim aka ta’ridh the lecturer asked us “ do u guys understand?” and the girls answered “no”. and he said “ cakap sikit sikit” where in fact he’s an Arab too and it was so funny that the class laughed. Hahaha..
Students keep on going up to the front and then I volunteered to go upfront. Presented casually and had some questions from al-Ustaz Saadeldin, answered and didn’t even manage to finish the presentation he said thank you. Haha.. That’s what happens when you have 10 and more people to present in one day. Students are just too shy or maybe lazy to present in the early or middle days of lecturing.. Anyhow, I managed to present so I’m done there.
Currently listening to Jay Sean Down…
Azan was in the air.. finished class at 450 pm. Went down to the Mosque. U know, UIA has a very beautiful mosque. It’s very comfortable and very not like typical mosques out there. I am very grateful to be studying here somehow if I think back of my enrolment here in this great place. Their Muezzins, such nice and sweet but deep voice, calling people to prayers... I'm just briefly talking about it yeah since its Asar time so wanna share this too. Hehe. Their weekly khutbahs, if u don’t know is delivered in multi languages. Not in one language only.. Let’s say, the first sermon is in English, the second one may be in Arabic, or Malay, or Arabic still. It changes. There was this once when there was a delegation from China and one of them was appointed as the Khatib and he delivered the khutbah in Mandarin! Wow! Though I don’t understand it but I respect them. Then the second khutbah he spoke in Arabic. That I do understand.
Prayed Asar and stopped by at the IRK Computer Lab to check out something. Saw a friend, have a lil chat and continued to class. Came a bit late and directly started answering my exam questions. Wasn’t that difficult because I read some points earlier. My habit is I don’t like studying for exams. I like more reading for knowledge and leisure time but not for answering the exam questions. It just doesn’t feel right. But then again, its university ma… what can do…haha…
Finished the exam 5 to 10 minutes earlier from my friend and went to the lab again. Went online for a while till the lab closes and back at room.
Well, that’s about it for now. My nightlife is so much different from what it is in the day light. Haha..what is that Ismat? Nothing.. come see it for yourself.
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